truffle$85468$ - translation to german
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truffle$85468$ - translation to german

Truffles; Truffel; Truffle mushrooms; Truffle (fungi); Truffle salt; Truffle (fungus); Truffe; Appalachian truffle; Tuber canaliculatum
  • Planted truffle groves near [[Beaumont-du-Ventoux]]
  • Summer truffles in a shop in Rome
  • Black truffles from San Miniato
  • Statue of [[Joseph Talon]] in [[Saint-Saturnin-lès-Apt]]
  • The lifecycle of the order Pezizales in Ascomycota
  • ''Rhizopogon'' truffle.
  • Shaved Périgord truffle with pasta at [[Spago]] in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Evolution of subterranean fruiting bodies from above-ground mushrooms.
  • A truffle market in [[Carpentras]], France
  • Truffle oil (olive oil with ''Tuber melanosporum'').
  • A white truffle washed and with a corner cut to show the interior.
  • Black Périgord truffle, cross-section
  • White truffles from San Miniato

n. Trüffel (Pilzart)
common oak         
  • The oak in the coat of arms of [[Gornji Milanovac]], [[Serbia]]
  • Oak bark
  • Marble galls on an oak twig
  • An oak knopper gall
  • Seedling sprouting from its acorn
  • Female flowers
  • English oak tree in a roadside hedge.
English oak; Common oak; Pedunculate oak; English Oak; Quercus pedunculata; Penduculate oak; Pedunculate Oak; Quercus rober; Quercus robor; Q. robur; Quercus abbreviata; Quercus acutiloba; Quercus aesculus; Quercus aestivalis; Quercus afghanistanensis; Quercus altissima; Quercus arenaria; Quercus argentea; Quercus asterotricha; Quercus atropurpurea; Quercus atrosanguinea; Quercus atrovirens; Quercus auzin; Quercus avellanoides; Quercus axillaris; Quercus bedoi; Quercus bellogradensis; Quercus brachycarpa; Quercus brevipes; Quercus brutia; Quercus bruttia; Quercus castanoides; Quercus commiserata; Quercus comptoniifolia; Quercus concordia; Quercus condensata; Quercus coriifolia; Quercus crispa; Quercus cunisecta; Quercus cuprea; Quercus cupressoides; Quercus cylindracea; Quercus dissecta; Quercus erucifolia; Quercus ettingeri; Quercus extensa; Quercus falkenbergensis; Quercus farinosa; Quercus fastigiata; Quercus femina; Quercus fennessii; Quercus filicifolia; Quercus filipendula; Quercus foemida; Quercus fructipendula; Quercus geltowiensis; Quercus germanica; Quercus haas; Quercus hentzei; Quercus horizontalis; Quercus hyemalis; Quercus imeretina; Quercus kurdica; Quercus laciniata; Quercus lasistan; Quercus longiglans; Quercus longipedunculata; Quercus longipes; Quercus louettii; Quercus lucorum; Quercus malacophylla; Quercus mestensis; Quercus microcarpa; Quercus monorensis; Quercus nigricans; Quercus ochracea; Quercus paleacea; Quercus palmata; Quercus parmenteria; Quercus pectinata; Quercus pedemontana; Quercus pedunculiflora; Quercus pendula; Quercus pendulina; Quercus pilosa; Quercus pinnatipartita; Quercus pseudopedunculata; Quercus pseudoschorochensis; Quercus pseudosessilis; Quercus pseudotscharakensis; Quercus pulverulenta; Quercus pyramidalis; Quercus racemosa; Quercus rubens; Quercus rubicunda; Quercus rumelica; Quercus scolopendrifolia; Quercus sieboldii; Quercus speciensis; Quercus subvelutina; Quercus svecica; Quercus tardiflora; Quercus tennesi; Quercus tetracarpa; Quercus thomasii; Quercus tozzae; Quercus turbinata; Quercus viminalis; Quercus virgata; Quercus vulgaris; Quercus welandii; European oak
Gewöhnliche Eiche


·noun Any one of several kinds of roundish, subterranean fungi, usually of a blackish color. The French truffle (Tuber melanosporum) and the English truffle (T. aestivum) are much esteemed as articles of food.



A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean ascomycete fungus, predominantly one of the many species of the genus Tuber. In addition to Tuber, over one hundred other genera of fungi are classified as truffles including Geopora, Peziza, Choiromyces, and Leucangium. These genera belong to the class Pezizomycetes and the Pezizales order. Several truffle-like basidiomycetes are excluded from Pezizales, including Rhizopogon and Glomus. Truffles are ectomycorrhizal fungi, so they are usually found in close association with tree roots. Spore dispersal is accomplished through fungivores, animals that eat fungi. These fungi have significant ecological roles in nutrient cycling and drought tolerance.

Some truffle species are highly prized as food. French gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin called truffles "the diamond of the kitchen". Edible truffles are used in Italian, French and numerous other national haute cuisines. Truffles are cultivated and harvested from natural environments.